Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Part II

Brian and I hosted Christmas for my family again this year. Everyone was able to come, which was such a blessing. My cousin George and his wife Cherie joined us again this year for Christmas dinner. The best part of all was that it was a WHITE Christmas. It snowed almost the entire day of Christmas. It was so beautiful!

I had to get a picture of Morgan wearing her unicorn again.

Playing with Uncle Jeff

Love from Auntie Tina


Excited to open presents

She was very excited to get Buzz Lightyear from Grandma Muriel

Merry Christmas!

Jessie from Toy Story

Morgan was soooo excited that she got Jessie from Santa (Grandma Muriel)

Jeff & George

Lisa, Tina, & Cherie

The table is set

Let's eat!

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