Sunday, May 11, 2014

Letter to Maylin - 9 Months

Dear Maylin,

You are getting bigger and bigger every day. You started crawling at the beginning of your 9th month and you got your first tooth (bottom). You are all over the place now and want to get into everything that you shouldn't. You want every electrical cord in the house and you love to scare us by trying to stand up by the sharp corners of the entertainment center and the fireplace. You develop new bruises on your forehead all the time from bumping into things while crawling. You are pulling up on things and standing like a big girl. The next step, all puns intended, is walking!

You are getting more hair on your head, but it's still too short for clips. You are getting more baby fat on your legs, which I lovingly call your 'hammyhockers'. I love tickling those ham hocks, they are so cute and chunky!

You have a very high-pitched squeal, which draws attention when we go out in public. I believe you think you have to compete with your sister, who is also very loud. Morgan and I call you Squeakers. Typically you are squealing with delight. You squeal when Morgan, Daddy, or I walk into the room. You also squeal when being tickled and when playing with your sister. You are such a happy baby and we love your high-pitched squeals.

You have become an alarm clock for me and Daddy. You wake up at 6:00 every morning, without fail. We wish you would set your internal alarm for later on the weekends, but if you're anything like your sister, who wakes up at 7:00 am on the weekends, we may not sleep-in again until you both are teenagers!

You are beginning to experience separation anxiety with people who aren't around you all the time. You become apprehensive and will whimper if you can't see me when someone is holding you. In some instances you are shy with others and will lay your head on my chest when they talk to you.

I am buying you baby foods that combine both fruits and vegetables and you seem to really like them. I don't think your tummy handles bananas very well yet. You always seem to end up spitting them up after eating them. You play with little snack foods that I put on your tray, but you've still not figured out that you need to put them in your mouth and eat them. They end up on the floor and in your chair, but you don't seem to care. :) You have figured out how to hold your bottle though - such a big girl!

What a wonderful little baby you are, Miss Maylin. These 9 months have gone by so quickly and you are progressing so fast - please slow down! We love you, Sweet Pea. Happy 9 months!

Mommy, Daddy, & Morgan

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