Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Prank

Many years ago Brian was celebrating Christmas with a girlfriend and her family. Midway through the gift giving, the girlfriend's mother jumps up realizing that she forgot to get Brian a gift. Brian is telling her that it's OK and not to worry about it, but she won't hear of it and runs to the back of the house. She comes back about 5 minutes later with a gift bag and gives it to Brian. Brian reaches into the gift bag and pulls out a very used and very old brown doorstop at approximately the same time as he hears a door in the back of the house slam shut. I think the best part of the gift is that Brian is able to tell that story and make people laugh.

This year, my sister Lisa decided that she would pull the same type of prank on Brian and see if he fell for it. I was passing out gifts and all of the sudden Lisa starts freaking out like she's forgotten something. She runs to her bedroom and while I'm still passing out gifts, she's in the back rustling papers, slamming drawers and doors and saying things like "I'm such an idiot". We're all playing along and yelling at her to come back out so that we can get started unwrapping gifts. She finally comes out with a poorly wrapped gift and hands it to Brian. We all take turns opening gifts and Brian finally opens Lisa's gift. He had already guessed that it was a calendar just by the shape of the gift (Brian had asked for a space/astronomy calendar) and when he opened it the calendar had puppies on it. As he was looking at it, I could see the wheels turning in his head wondering why he was receiving a puppy calendar and then he looked in the bottom right corner of the calendar and saw '2008 Wall Calendar'. We were all laughing at this point and Brian was smiling and sort of laughing as he flipped through it and noticed that on every page of the calendar it said "Canyon Creek Cleaners"! Not only was he given a worthless calendar that he could only use for 6 more days, but it was a FREE calendar that Lisa received from her dry cleaner. We were all laughing hysterically and we kept up the act until everyone was finished opening gifts. Lisa eventually went into her bedroom and came out with two real gifts for Brian and it was only then that he realized that she'd pulled a prank on him. We all got a good laugh out of it and Brian has said that he's got a year to plan his 'sweet revenge'. Watch out Lisa!

Brian and the 2008 Canyon Creek Cleaners Puppy calendar

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't know whether to be insulted for the sharing of this very crazy story to everyone on the web or laughing out loud. I'll chose laughing. I'm glad to know that Brian can continue to have a big laugh at the expense of my mom.!!!!! I just want anyone who reads this or knows this story that my mom was truely acting out of wanting to be nice. I'm sure she was so upset at herself that she doesn't even know what she selected and I might add that it wasn't the only thing that he got but I cannot remember the other items. Additionally, I'll have you know that Brian did make use of that door stop as his first and most crappy apartment needed it. haha

Happy New Year to you both. I think we're all loving life right now and I truely mean that.

Bev. Yes, Bev the "ex"!!! hahaha