Sunday, April 11, 2010

Easter Weekend

We had such a wonderful and blessed Easter weekend. My sister Lu was in town for part of the weekend and Friday we went and had a casual lunch at Patrizio's with Lisa and Peggy (and Morgan, of course). Friday night we grilled out and played Mexican Train. Saturday was a lazy afternoon and then Lu left that evening. Sunday we took Morgan to church for the first time and left her in the nursery. She lasted about 20-30 minutes before they had to call us out of the church service. She definitely had a case of separation anxiety, poor baby. We're hoping that she will eventually get used to it and even come to like it (we're keeping our fingers crossed!) Later that day we went to Robin and Ed's for dinner and Paw Paw (Tom) was finally able to meet Morgan. She took to him right away and he had a great time playing with her. After dinner, Morgan had her first Easter egg hunt - with the help of her cousin Gracie, she found quite a few eggs.

Lisa, Jon, Lu & Brian

Ready for church

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