Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lu's Pictures

Lu sent me some of the pictures that she took of Morgan while she was here over the Easter weekend. Peggy bought Morgan a swimsuit and some other cute things for Easter, and Aunt Lu bought her a ton of cute clothes and some matching sunglasses for the swimsuit. She wanted to get a picture of her in the swimsuit and sunglasses and as you can tell, Morgan was not very happy with the glasses.

When we took our trip to West Virginia last month, I saw a cute (and inexpensive) crown in one of the stores that we visited. I bought it with the sole purpose of putting it on Morgan when her Aunt Lu arrived. Lu always refers to Morgan as 'the princess', so I bought the crown to go with the name! Lu got a kick out of it, but as you can tell Morgan didn't find any humor in it.

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