Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Morgan 1 - 2 - 3

Look how much she's changed!

Letter to Morgan - 3 Years

Dear Morgan,

Happy Birthday Punkin, you turned 3 today! Where has the time gone? Three years ago you were this tiny little helpless infant and today you are Miss Independent.

You are talking really well now, mostly in complete sentences. You have a great memory, sometimes too good of a memory. I've tried to put old toys away and you will remember weeks later where I stored them. You can also recall the outfit that you wore to the Fresh Beat Band concert that we took you to back in May of this year. You're really good at puzzles and will concentrate and take your time until you get them put together.

You have a great personality, although sometimes a bit frustrating because of your stubborn streak. That's what makes you the person you are though and I wouldn't change a thing. You're very outgoing and rarely shy with people. You will talk to anyone and when you meet someone new, you usually will show them the stuffed animal that you are carrying at the time. You're very loving and will readily give hugs and kisses, especially to your stuffed friends and dolls. You are now saying "I love you too", vs. last year's "I be".

You love chicken nuggets and ask for them every night for dinner. You also have a love for ketchup that you MUST have when you eat nuggets, burgers, and/or fries. You like spaghetti, mac & cheese, pb&j sandwiches (which you pull apart), applesauce, fruit, yogurt, ice cream, and most of all...cupcakes! You don't really like meat that much. It's difficult to get you to eat your protein at dinner time, but you'll usually take at least one bite. You don't like vegetables, but will eat cooked carrots when they are offered.

Your favorite 'buddies' are currently Hippo and Cheetie (Cheetah). You insist on sleeping with ALL of your buddies, even though there's barely any room for you to sleep on your bed. Every morning and every night, we have to put all of your buddies in your blanket and haul them up and down the stairs so that they are with you at all times.

You LOVE to watch TV and are currently addicted to the movie "Puss in Boots". You watch it on a daily basis. You also love Micky Mouse Clubhouse, Doc McStuffins, Mike the Night, Toy Story, Tangled, and of course The Fresh Beat Band. You also love going to "My-nastics" (gymnastics). You've been going for several months now and have really increased your strength and coordination.

About a month ago, we moved you to your big girl bed and you were so excited and loved it from the beginning. We've not had any problems with you getting out of your bed. Even though you can climb in and out of it on your own, you won't until we come up and get you. Such a good girl!

We tried potty training you a few months ago with no luck, but I think you're ready now and have been using the potty at daycare sporadically. We look forward to getting you out of diapers and into big girl panties!

I've written so much down, but it still doesn't cover all of the wonderful things that we've experienced with you this last year. You have done so many amazing things this year and have learned so much. Daddy and I are so proud of you. We can't wait to see what you have in store for us in this next year.

We love you Punkin'! Happy 3rd Birthday!

Love Mommy & Daddy


Playing Peek-A-Boo with Aidan

Fresh Beat Band Birthday Party

Morgan had a "Great Day" at her Fresh Beat Band birthday party. She was dressed up like her favorite band character, Kiki, and loved playing with the blow up guitar and microphone.

I want to open my presents NOW, Mommy!

Uncle Jeff

Morgan's BFF Laura

Playing with their goodie bags

She finally got to open her gifts

She was very excited about her "Supunzel" (Rapunzel) dress

I wish we would have been able to video tape Morgan's reaction when she first opened the gift bag that held Minnie and Daisy - it was priceless. She was so excited.

Fresh Beat Band CD from Grammy & Pap

Thank you Pap for all my presents!

Thank you too, Grammy!

This is a sign of a good birthday cake

Testing out the microphone

No more pictures!

Performing with Pap & Daddy

Stylin' in her new Princess dress up shoes

In the words of the Fresh Beat Band..."We had a Great Day"!

From Canada With Love

Thank you Grandma Muriel and Harvey for my birthday card
(and money)!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Rock Star

Morgan received a princess bath set from us when we returned from our anniversary trip. The set consists of a waterproof crown, light up wand, and mirror. While waiting for the bath tub to fill up, we listen to the Fresh Beat Band and sing and dance along. This particular evening she was jammin'! She was using both her bubble bath container and her wand as microphones. I couldn't resist taking pictures. In the words of the Fresh Beat Band "Shout it out, just like a Rock Star"!

Mini Elvis

5th Anniversary

Brian and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary during the Labor Day weekend at the Gaylord Texan. We were there a few weeks before with Morgan and had such a good time that we decided to go back, but just the two of us this time.

The first day we had lunch at Esparzas and visited all of the shops and vendors in downtown Grapevine. We returned to the hotel and had drinks in the bar while we waited for our room to be ready. After waiting almost 3 hours, we were finally given a room (with some help from the bar staff, who told the front desk that it was our anniversary). We had dinner reservations for 8pm at the Old Hickory Steakhouse. I know the Executive Chef, Joanne Bondy, so I let her know that we would coming for our anniversary dinner. She hooked us up! We were given Lobster Bisque for a starter and she also sent over the Garde Manger, who showed us their elaborate cheese cart. We chose 3 cheeses, which were then served with honeycomb jelly, pecans, cranberries, and crackers. We both ordered the Texan, which was filet minon and lobster. We also had scalloped potatoes and Habanero Cream Corn. Dinner was completed with an 'off the menu' dessert called the chocolate bomb. It was awesome!

All kinds of 'shit' was sold in this store

Brian had Cake Balls delivered to the room as a nice sweet surprise for the evening.

The next day was spent relaxing in the room and hanging out at Paradise Springs and the hotel pool. Brian had another surprise treat delivered to the room that evening - milk and cookies (yum)!