Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Decena Family Reunion

In mid August we attended the first reunion ever held on the Decena side of the family (my Dad's side). It started with a simple email sent by my sister Tina asking relatives about their individual families and asking for stories for a paper that she was writing for class. A reunion was mentioned and my cousin Sylvia took it from there. My sister Lu did quite a bit of research on and found some distant cousins that we've been able to connect with. Lu, Sylvia, her husband Emilio, and another cousin Connie made several trips to Loredo to take pictures of old family homes and headstones. They also were able to collect quite a bit of documentation including birth and death certificates. The best part of the reunion for me was to learn about my Dad's side of the family.

The reunion took place at Earl Able's in San Antonio. I believe there were 40+ relatives who attended. Unfortunately, we arrived an hour late because of Morgan's nap, but we still got to see and meet most everyone. People brought their photo albums, pictures of ancestors, etc.

My Grandparents: Lucrecia & Bernadino Decena

This was a child born to my grandparents that we never knew about. She had an unmarked grave, so all of us 1st cousins pitched in and bought a grave marker for her.

My Dad and my Great Aunt Euphemia "Tia" dancing

Dancing with my Dad

My parents

Jeff (brother), Cousins: Ray, Michael, & Bobby

Ricky, Joe, Bobby, Ricky, Jeff, Junior, Michael, & George (kneeling)

Lu, Amy, Morgan, Sylvia, Lisa, Tina, Olga, Evie, Sylvia, Paula, Connie, Alicia, Cherie, and Sylvia

After the reunion at Earl Able's, we went over to Sylvia and Emilio's house. We hung out in the backyard and told stories. Morgan and Daddy played in the pool.

George had a captured audience

Tina, Sylvia, & Lu




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