Saturday, October 2, 2010

Letter to Morgan - 12 Months

Dear Morgan,

You are now one year old! In the past year you have grown from a tiny little infant, with horrible colic, to the most wonderful and happy baby. You are crawling, pulling up on everything, standing really well and walking with some assistance. Your favorite toys are still stuffed animals, which you hug and kiss with all your might. You are now eating regular food and drinking whole milk. You have been sick quite a bit since you started daycare, but even when you're sick, you're still such a good baby. Here are some things that you like: stuffed animals, balloons, Chica from Sprout TV, Ravioli, Puffs, and Yogurt. Here are some things that you dislike: the word 'no', diaper changes, meat, and peas.

This past year has been so wonderful, Pumpkin. Your Daddy and I couldn't be more happy to have you as our daughter. You have learned so much in the past year, it's amazing to us how much you already know in 12 short months! I know this next year will be even more amazing and we can't wait to watch you grow and learn.

We love you,

Mommy & Daddy

1 Year Old!

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