Saturday, October 2, 2010

Morgan's 1st Birthday

We celebrated Morgan's 1st birthday with a party at our house. We invited family and friends over and Morgan LOVED the attention! She was so happy! The only time that she got upset was when I forced her hand into her cake. She didn't appreciate that one bit and let me know about it! Thank you to our wonderful family and friends, Morgan had a great time!

Birthday breakfast

Birthday bath

My Vo (Izzy's Sweets & Treats Bakery) putting the finishing touches on the cake

Godmother Peggy with the Birthday Girl

Nicole, Noah, Gage, Travis, Skye, Lisa, Morgan, Jennifer & Brian

Pap, Ron, Peggy & Laura (Baby Rhett on the staircase)

Debbi & Morgan

Daddy, Mommy, Uncle Ed, Morgan, Pap, Grammy, Aunt Robin, Cousin Brittany & Cousin Gracie

Morgan with Grammy & Pap

Where's my cake?

You want me to do what?

Mommy helping with the cake

I don't like that Mommy!

Laura got Morgan a UNT bib and shirt (my alma mater). Go Eagles!

Gracie & Morgan

Morgan LOVED the Hippo Pillow Pet from Gracie

Hippo Love

and more love...

and more...

Thank you all for coming to my party! I had a wonderful time! I love you!

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