Friday, May 29, 2009

Memorial Day

Thank you to all who have served or are currently serving in the military. I am truly thankful for my freedom and it's all because of you.

We had Brian's parents over for a bit on Memorial Day. Ron was asked to use his car in a parade in Richardson, so he and Mary participated in the parade and then came over to our house. The plan was to cook out on the grill, but we got so full on the appetizers (fruit, chips and dips, and sausage/jalapeno/cheese bites) that we called it a meal and just hung out and chatted for a bit.

It was a very peaceful and relaxing Memorial Day weekend - I have a feeling those peaceful and relaxing days won't be around much longer though.

Ron & Mary displaying what's left of the appetizers

Brian touching the baby bump

Mary & Ron in the Mustang

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Baby Bump

Well, it's happened...I officially have a baby bump now! It didn't really hit me until I saw a picture of myself taken at a friend's birthday party this past weekend. I've not had to purchase any maternity clothes yet because I've lost weight, but I think my belly will soon be outgrowing my shirts!

Posing with my co-workers at the party

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

Brian and I spent the day at Robin's house to celebrate Mother's Day with her and Mary. Ed made us a wonderful lunch and Brittany made home-made ice cream.

Happy Mother's Day

Brian did a really sweet thing for me to celebrate Mother's Day this year. I'm not a mother yet, so we celebrated "Mother To Be Day" instead. About a month ago, I had my PODS unit delivered to the house so that I could go through all of my stuff and see what I wanted to sell in our garage sale. Most of the stuff was memories and things that I'd not seen or touched since my mom passed away 10 years ago. I found 2 of her precious cross-stich pieces among my things, one of which she had made especially for me about 20 years ago. The one that she made for me was of a lady with a young girl standing next to her and my mom had stitched a poem around them that talked about a mother's love for her daughter and that no matter how grown up the daughter becomes, she'll always be her little girl. Brian noticed how much the 2 pieces meant to me and had them matted, framed and covered in preservation glass to eventually be hung in the baby's room.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Morgan Ann Young

It's official, we're having a girl! We are naming her Morgan Ann Young (Ann was my mother's middle name as well). We were both excited to hear that she's a girl, but I think my sisters were even more excited because they will now have a neice to give all of their 'treasures' to when the time comes.

Thus far my pregnancy has been pretty good. I was a little sick during my first trimester and have had horrible teeth problems, but overall my experience has been wonderful. Since finding out I was pregnant I have lost 20 pounds, but not on purpose! It's just been an added benefit to the pregnancy. :-)

I started to feel her move in my 16th week, but only very light flutters. I'm now in my 20th week and can feel her moving all the time! What a wonderful and blessed feeling!

Morgan Ann at Week 18

Morgan's first outfit

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Catching up with an old friend

I had lunch with my friend Dixie, whom I've not seen in almost 2 years. I've known her for about 20 years, but we lost touch for about 6 years until we reconnected on MySpace back in 2007. I briefly saw her at my wedding in 2007, but that wasn't the best time to catch up. Finally, we met up for lunch and spent 3 hours catching up on everything that has been going on in our lives. It was so awesome to see her and we both promised that we'd not let that much time pass again without seeing each other.

Habitat for Humanity

I participated in Habitat for Humanity last week along with several of my co-workers and students from our school. There was also another volunteer group from Cadbury and unfortunately they didn't bring us any of those wonderful Cadbury eggs! We were assigned a house that was just in the beginning stages of being built. Most of the day was spent nailing the wood siding (OSB) to the frame of the house, although I think I only hammered in 2 nails all day! I had a whole group of 'mother hens' around me making sure that I didn't over do it in my 'delicate condition'. Unfortunately, I still got injured, but nothing serious. One of the OSB boards was falling and I thought I could catch it with my hand and needless to say the board won. Kit (my supervisor/nurse) took great care of me and wrapped up my arm. I was very excited to learn that I was the worst injury of the day (me and my competive nature)! As excited as I was to be the worst injury, my doctor was not as happy. I had my week 18 sonogram later on that day and he noticed my wrapped arm and upon telling him what happened I was severely scolded for being there in the first place. I told him I barely worked and wore a lovely bright green protective helmet the entire time, but he was not impressed. Fortunately, he was impressed with the sonogram and the baby is doing great!

Water break

Lunch time (I even ate lunch with my hat on!)

Group shot