Friday, May 29, 2009

Memorial Day

Thank you to all who have served or are currently serving in the military. I am truly thankful for my freedom and it's all because of you.

We had Brian's parents over for a bit on Memorial Day. Ron was asked to use his car in a parade in Richardson, so he and Mary participated in the parade and then came over to our house. The plan was to cook out on the grill, but we got so full on the appetizers (fruit, chips and dips, and sausage/jalapeno/cheese bites) that we called it a meal and just hung out and chatted for a bit.

It was a very peaceful and relaxing Memorial Day weekend - I have a feeling those peaceful and relaxing days won't be around much longer though.

Ron & Mary displaying what's left of the appetizers

Brian touching the baby bump

Mary & Ron in the Mustang

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