Friday, January 29, 2010

Cereal Drama

Morgan had her 4 month check up yesterday along with 2 shots in the legs (poor baby). She is growing well and is in the 75th percentile for weight and 77th percentile for length. She's going to be a tall girl just like her mommy! The doctor said that we could start introducing cereal and baby foods to her. I was so excited that she could start eating these things, so I made some cereal for her last night before bedtime. I should have known from the first bite, that she wasn't happy, but I kept trying and after the third bite she poked out her bottom lip and screamed bloody murder. I felt really guilty and had to cuddle her quite a bit to get her to settle down. The crocodile tears get me every time! I believe I will bypass the cereal and go straight to baby food.

1st Bite


Still happy...

2nd Bite

3rd Bite

Enough is enough, Mommy!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Bath Princess

I believe the towel says it all...

Sunday "Nappy Poo"

Famous on Facebook

Letter to Morgan - 4 Months Old

My Precious Little Girl,

You are accomplishing new things every day! Daddy and I are in awe of just how much you have learned in the past month. You want to touch everything now, including our faces. You are very ticklish and will squeal and laugh when we tickle you. You are so close to rolling over - we know it will be any day now. You still love for us to sing to you and sometimes that is the only way that you will quiet down. You love getting a bath, but you take it very seriously. You love to smile, but when it's bathtime, there is no smiling, just relaxing and enjoying the warm water. Once I put the towel around you, you are back to smiling that beautiful smile. There are two things that I look forward to the most every day - seeing that beautiful smile when I get you up in the morning and seeing it again when I get home from work. You melt my heart completely. I love you Pumpkin.

Morgan w/her Bear

Friday, January 8, 2010

Fun Time

Morgan has just started to enjoy sitting in her bouncy/vibrating seat and also her activity center. It's so awesome to hear her squeal with delight and smile that heart-melting smile!

Plumber's Crack

One day, Morgan is going to hate me for this!

The plumber...

and her crack


Morgan is just starting to sit in her Bumbo. She's still not too sure about it, but she does enjoy being able to sit up like a big girl.

Already reading! She's so smart! :-)

I'm content just sitting and drooling


Christmas was wonderful (and white)! Spending time with our families and sharing our first Christmas with Morgan was such a blessing. My cousin George and Aunt Mary stopped by for a little bit and my co-worker David joined us for Christmas dinner. After dinner, we went to Bedford and celebrated Christmas with Brian's family. Later that night, my family came over to our house and we played Wii Karaoke and Dance Revolution. Brian captured the Karaoke on video and hopefully I will be able to post some of that soon!

White Christmas

Morgan with her stocking (and wearing her "My First Christmas" sleeper)

Uncle Jeff (1st time ever holding a baby!)

Aunt Tina

Aunt Lu

Aunt Lisa

So tired...

Tina, Aunt Mary, Morgan & George

Jeff, Brian and David

The Grandkids: Brittany, JD, Gracie and Morgan

Aunt Karen


The day after Christmas

Christmas Eve

The tradition in my family is to eat chili for dinner, go to Christmas Eve service and then open gifts from each other when we get home. We eat tamales, "Mom's Famous Dip" and a lot of other things that are completely unhealthy, but oh so good! On Christmas morning, we see what Santa brought us in our stockings and then we eat Christmas dinner. This year was a little different, but still wonderful.

All of my siblings were in town and I was off work on Christmas Eve, so Morgan and I packed up our stuff and headed over to my sister Lisa's house to hang out. It was so cool to spend that extra time with my siblings AND to top it all off, it began to snow. I took Morgan outside and had a couple of pictures taken with her and her 'first snow'. Unfortunately, the snow continued along with ice, so our plans to drive to Bedford for Christmas Eve church service were cancelled. We stayed in, did not eat chili, but devoured a lot of tamales and dip. We opened gifts and played a few rounds of Outburst and called it a night.

Morgan's 1st 'White' Christmas