Friday, January 8, 2010

Christmas Eve

The tradition in my family is to eat chili for dinner, go to Christmas Eve service and then open gifts from each other when we get home. We eat tamales, "Mom's Famous Dip" and a lot of other things that are completely unhealthy, but oh so good! On Christmas morning, we see what Santa brought us in our stockings and then we eat Christmas dinner. This year was a little different, but still wonderful.

All of my siblings were in town and I was off work on Christmas Eve, so Morgan and I packed up our stuff and headed over to my sister Lisa's house to hang out. It was so cool to spend that extra time with my siblings AND to top it all off, it began to snow. I took Morgan outside and had a couple of pictures taken with her and her 'first snow'. Unfortunately, the snow continued along with ice, so our plans to drive to Bedford for Christmas Eve church service were cancelled. We stayed in, did not eat chili, but devoured a lot of tamales and dip. We opened gifts and played a few rounds of Outburst and called it a night.

Morgan's 1st 'White' Christmas

1 comment:

zaf_fam_tx said...

I love your hair! So pretty!!