Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Letter to Morgan - 10 Months

Baby Girl,

It's amazing that 10 months have already passed and we fall more in love with you every day. This past month has been very busy for you! You went on your first plane ride to Iowa and you did great! You met your Grandma Beverly's side of the family and you met Mommy's best friend Patti as well. You started Daycare this past month, which was VERY difficult for Mommy, but you did great and adjusted in no time. You started holding your bottle on your own and you're soooo close to crawling. You've got two top front teeth, one bottom and two more that are coming in. You're starting to eat regular food and seem to enjoy eating most everything except jarred lasagna, which you spit out. You are such a good baby - so many people have commented not only on how pretty you are, but also how good you are. You have the cutest little personality and you're now giving kisses when asked, although you're still stingy with them! You love stuffed animals and playing with boxes. You also like to play with anything that is electronic - remote, cell phone, mouse, camera, you name it. These past 10 months have been so amazing and I know you have a lot more in store for us. We love you Little Punks!

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